Dear theatre friends,
In this “business,” we hold our collective breath until the New York Times’ review comes out. As you probably are aware, a positive review can make a show, and the reverse is obvious.
Today, that review for “The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk” was published– and a Critics Pick, at that!
The extra layer of quarantining the cast and crew, then videotaping with several cameras, has greatly added to the difficulty of making a show during this enduring plague. With extraordinary skill and determination, Emma and her company, Wise Children, with the help of the original producer, Kneehigh, as well as the Bristol Old Vic Theatre, have pulled it off!
I can’t wait for you to become immersed in this highly romantic, poignant story of Bella and Marc Chagall.
Please buy a ticket now for “The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk”. It will be streamed December 11th- 18th. It is sheer joy! And to you, my readers, an extra incentive to book– a 50% discount with the code “flovfriends.” Please note, you can also buy a ticket with “CC”– closed captioning, and “AD”– audio described.
Do share this with everyone you know– it is a perfect way to raise one’s spirits, entering a very different Christmas 2020.
That’s all for now!
Aren’t we fortunate to be living during this plague and not Sophocles’? Or, are you overwhelmed by choice?
Again, if you discover other theatre-related news– please get in touch:
And, need I reiterate? I’d like to continue to write because so many have expressed their enjoyment of reading– but I must have content!
Please send other theatre related information, or do try to recall a story you’d like me to post.

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.