Dear theatre friends,
Another weekend, another chance to catch up plays you may have missed.
Beginning tonight, TDF is presenting “A Wendy Weekend,” in honor of beloved playwright Wendy Wasserstein’s 70th birthday. At 8pm, please buy a ticket for “Uncommon Women and Others;” then tomorrrow night, “Isn’t it Romantic?” and Sunday night at 7, “The Heidi Chronicles.” Each rehearsed reading is available for 24 hours.
Many years ago, after a play at Lincoln Center, I was having dinner at the lovely nearby (now gone) restaurant, Picholine. Wendy Wasserstein came in and was seated at a nearby table. The conversation with my “gentleman” companion grew heated, although I imagined, subdued. Wendy came over, looked pointedly at him and said “you better be nicer to her,” and returned to her seat. Oh, how I miss this talented, funny, champion of women.
Also, starting tonight on Amazon Prime Video, “What the Constitution Means to Me”.” For a very special viewing, I’ll be seeing it on October 21st, 6:30, augmented by a conversation with Heidi Schreck. New York Theatre Workshop and Clubbed Thumb, the originators of the play, are presenting this event, which also includes the former Director of the ACLU’s Women’s Project.
Sorry I didn’t know about this sooner— The Voices International Theatre Festival is presenting work from many far-flung nations, such as Estonia, Iran, South Africa. There’s also a documentary about Belarus Free Theatre. Though October 25th.
The wildly creative company, Ars Nova, will be inaugurating an interactive show, “P.S.,” beginning in November. Tickets are limited and only available until October 21st– sounds unique,intriguing!
Since most of us aren’t going to London’s Bridge Theatre to see Alan Bennett’s “Talking Heads” in person– do go to YouTube where you can view several delicious monologues originally made for BBC television.
Every time I’ve seen a solo show, I’ve prayed for the originality and wit of Mr. Bennett’s intimate portraits– not revived nearly often enough. Last seen in NY in 2003, it starred Lynn Redgrave and Kathleen Chalfant. Several years later, I met Ms. Redgrave and told her that every time I’ve seen a podiatrist, I imagine I’m in “Miss Fozzard Finds Her Feet”– she agreed it was an indelible, delightful memory for her as well– of course, she actually played Miss Fozzard!
Created after the election of you-know-who in 2016, Dan Giles wrote “Mike Pence Sex Dream.” It will be live streaming October 23rd and 24th, then on demand from the 26th. Although free, a reservation is necessary– and a donation to the presenter, Ensemble Studio Threatre, would be greatly appreciated.
If you like game shows as well as theatre, perhaps “American Dreams” by Leila Buck is for you. The prize is citizenship– for a break from the ubiquitous topics of election and Covid news. This comes from Working Theatre, and we determine who gets the prize!
Finally, a second reminder, starting tonight: “Henry IV,” presented by St. Ann’s Warehouse. This venerable theatre company deserves your financial support, if possible, for bringing so many worthy plays, not only these Donmar gems.
Happy weekend!
Aren’t we fortunate to be living during this plague and not Sophocles’? Or, are you overwhelmed by choice?
Again, if you discover other theatre-related news– please get in touch:
And, need I reiterate? I’d like to continue to write because so many have expressed their enjoyment of reading– but I must have content!
Please send other theatre related information, or do try to recall a story you’d like me to post.

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.