Dear theatre friends,
Don’t miss Glenn Close playing Roy Cohn in scenes from “Angels in America”— a benefit performance for AMFAR’s fund to fight COVID. Mark your calendar– October 8th, 8:30 pm, on‘s Youtube station. You can watch for free, but do give if you can.
Longing to be in an actual theatre? You might want to book Food For Thought Productions, presenting lunchtime plays for the past 20 years. At Theatre 80, 80 St. Marks Place, you can see a double bill of comedies on Tuesday, September 29th at 2pm. There will be another program every week thereafter. If the location or in-person experience doesn’t suit, you can also access via Zoom.
If a “Virtual Gala” doesn’t sound like an oxymoron to you– do attend The Shakespeare Theatre Company’s. It will be on, Saturday, October 3rd, beginning at 6:30 for a “cocktail reception” followed by real performances at 7pm.
Until October 7th, as part of the Finborough For Free program, you can see “Death of a Hunter” by Rolf Hochhuth. After reading this review, it looks like a must for Hemingway lovers.
From October 8th, you can see “Apollo 13: The Dark Side of the Moon” by Torben Betts. If you book by September 30th, the tickets are available at a much reduced price. Original Theatre is the wonderful British company which has been widely recognized as a “Critics Pick” in many publications– especially for their virtual “Birdsong” presented several months ago.
For those of you who want an engaging and educational few hours, Red Bull Theatre’s Othello 2020 offers just that. This benefit series of events runs October 5th-28th, and will be concerned with the intersection of race and classical theatre.
Finally, please try PTP/NYC’s screening of “Don’t Exaggerate (Desire and Abuse).” by Howard Barker, from October 1st -4th. Since PTP/NYC presented Barker’s “Scenes From an Execution” two decades ago, I’ve become a fan of this British playwright’s work. You might like to read the New York Times’ review of a more recent production– Jan Maxwell’s final one.
That’s all for now– as I receive news I’ll pass it along. But don’t completely fill your calendars yet– more shows are continuing to find their way to our screens.
Aren’t we fortunate to be living during this plague and not Sophocles’? Or, are you overwhelmed by choice?
Again, if you discover other theatre-related news– please get in touch:
And, need I reiterate? I’d like to continue to write because so many have expressed their enjoyment of reading– but I must have content!
Please send other theatre related information, or do try to recall a story you’d like me to post.

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.