Dear theatre friends,
If anyone is feeling nostalgic about Edinburgh, here’s a virtual fix– The Shedinburgh Festival, streamed from yes, a shed, at the Traverse Theatre.
Before you dismiss this as merely a clever substitute, please look at the “shed-ule” of one time performances, beginning tomorrow, August 14th:
First up is Gary McNair’s “McGonagall’s Chronicles,” a highly praised play about the world’s worst poet. If you don’t know the super talented Gary, you will be delighted to see his work–guaranteed!
Short but sweet– do see “Watching Rosie” with the marvelous, BAFTA-winning actor, Miriam Margolyes– from the producers of that other beautifully streamed play, “Birdsong.” It’s playing right now, until September 30th.
And from Edinburgh’s International Festival comes “My Light Shines On: Ghost Light” by Hope Dickson Leach. Please read Joyce McMillan’s Scotsman review describing the play as a “love letter to theatre.”
For a change, I have a number of our very own, American theatre companies’ work to recommend:
In response to the horrifying explosions in Beirut, Rattlestick Theatre is producing “A Love Letter to Lebanon,” Saturday, August 15th at 1PM. This is an opportunity for us to both celebrate Lebanon’s rich culture and donate money.
The Acting company’s Alumni Spotlight Series is presenting “Beckett’s Endgame”, only through Sunday, August 16th, on their YouTube station.
The Actors Theatre, the Louisville, Kentucky-based linchpin of the Humana Festival, is producing “Covid Classics.” subtitled “One-Act Plays for the Age of Quarantine.” Some of the unusual suspects at for a new-writing center are Chekhov, Pirandello, Strindberg. Tickets will go on sale August 25th.
Finally, Wednesday, August 19th at 12 noon, please try to see Theater of War for Frontline Medical Providers— readings of two plays by Sphocles, with an all star cast including Frances McDormand and Jesse Eisenberg. For an invitation to this very special event, contact
That’s all for now– as I receive news I’ll pass it along. But don’t completely fill your calendars yet– more shows are continuing to find their way to our screens.
Aren’t we fortunate to be living during this plague and not Sophocles’? Or, are you overwhelmed by choice?
Again, if you discover other theatre-related news– please get in touch:
And, need I reiterate? I’d like to continue to write because so many have expressed their enjoyment of reading– but I must have content!
Please send other theatre related information, or do try to recall a story you’d like me to post.

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.