If you might be looking for an alternative to eggnog, tinsel and holiday hoopla — here are some terrific ideas, and they’re all non-fattening!
RUN to see “The Invisible Hand” by Ayad Akhtar at New York Theatre Workshop. Only on until January 4th. I guarantee this fine play will keep you thinking well into the new year.
RADIATE HAPPINESS when you see “Every Brilliant Thing” at Barrow Street. I saw, and loved, this in Edinburgh — and it continues to make me smile!
GET STARRY EYED with “Constellations”from Manhattan Theatre Club. Nick Payne’s brilliant play, which I saw in London, albeit with a different cast — is memorably moving. Here’s one of many rave reviews.
RACE to “Howie the Rookie,” by Mark O’Rowe, at BAM. Tom Vaughan Lawlor’s tour-de-force performance will leave you breathless, I promise! Another too, too short Next Wave run.
SUPPORT”The Events,” coming to New York Theatre Workshop. Please join us on Sunday, February 8th for a benefit matinee performance and reception with the UK cast. Email me at Carol@BestofEdinburgh.org to reserve a place for this “event”. Details to follow.
EXPERIMENT with international theatre from the always interesting “Under the Radar Festival” at The Public Theatre.
DELIGHT in the intelligent humor of “Tail! Spin!” now at Lynn Redgrave Theater and extended to January 1. Read the excellent New York Times review. .
LOOK AHEAD and give yourself a gift of spectacular theatre in 2015. Get tickets NOW for “Ghosts” with the extraordinary Lesley Manville at BAM. I honestly can’t forget seeing it in London last year. Here’s a review.
GIVE A GIFT to your favorite non-profit theatre company — enriching our lives all year!
I hope I’ve left some time for your holiday festivities. Let’s celebrate together at the theatre!

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.