It seems silly for me to describe the abundant new theatre season, after the New York Times just published their exhaustive, and exhausting, list of openings and revivals. I can, however, tell you which ones I’ll be seeing and urge you to get ticket to them — now:
“Junk” by Ayad Akhtar at Lincoln Center. Yes, hard-to-miss the life size portrait of Ayad gracing the front page of the aforementioned NY Times section — however, you won’t see a smarter playwright today; his work should be devoured. For those of you already familiar with his plays, please find time to read “American Dervish,” his somewhat autobiographical novel which involved me in an American-Muslim family’s life, told with his characteristic flair and fun.
“Torch Song Trilogy” — the play which gave me compassion and insight into gay life, when it played in 1981. I was not the only one bowled over, here’s the highly favorable review in the Times from that production. I’m curious to see my reaction now, living in a landscape that is thankfully more inclusive.
“Jesus Hopped the A Train” — another welcome revival coming to Signature. Stephen Adly Guirgus’s poetic street language is on incandescent display in this play from 2000 — don’t miss this train!
“The Home Place” — thank you Irish Rep for bringing the forever great Brian Friel’s last work to us. Here’s The Guardian’s review of its Dublin premiere.
“People, Places and Things” — leave it to St. Ann’s to transfer one of the major hits of the London stage, by the young, prolific Duncan Macmillan (“Every Brilliant Thing”). Buy tickets today!
Two very, very short runs at BAM’s Next Wave Festival are not to be missed:
“The Fountainhead” directed by superstar Ivo Van Hove, comes with this great review from the Avignon Festival.
“Home” by Geoff Sobelle (winner of my Award for “The Object Lesson”) promises to bring together Geoff’s many talents — illusion, music, dance, fanciful engineering. These tickets are almost gone for too few December performances.
“Faranelli and the King” — for all of you Mark Rylance fans, as well as fans of music, royalty — oh, all of you! These tickets are going fast since it’s no secret that this play is remarkable.
Lastly, please don’t miss the chance to see the legendary Ariane Mnouchkine and her company, Le Theatre du Soleil, when they’ll be at The Park Avenue Armory with “A Room in India.” Please read about this extraordinary company, which puts on “ceremonies”, to quote the formidable Mme. Mnouchkine. I had the privilege of seeing “The Castaways of the Fol Espoir,” based on a Jules Verne novel — an unforgettable part of the Edinburgh International Festival five years ago. It was the first time they had toured in over twenty years. Therefore, this will probably be your only opportunity to see a truly great theatre maker, and one of her spectacular “rituals”.
Happy autumn! See you in the theatre!

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.